Eddy County trailed New Mexico’s two most populous counties in total new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, the New Mexico Department of Health (DOH) indicated.
Eddy County’s 198 was slightly behind Doña Ana County’s 215. Bernalillo County was first with 551 new cases Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, according to DOH data.
Eddy County also led southeast New Mexico in new cases: Lea County had 160 new COVID-19 cases and Chaves County reported 150 new cases.
More:Carlsbad administering more COVID-19 tests than ever, but positivity rate dropping
DOH reported 137 new COVID-19 cases in Carlsbad from Saturday to Monday.
Friday, Eddy County had 84 new COVID-19 cases with 51 in Carlsbad, per DOH.
Artesia General Hospital data showed the hospital had 5,425 total cases in Carlsbad and 2,567 in Artesia.

Four COVID-19 deaths were reported in Eddy County Friday to Monday.
Friday, a man in his 40s died. He was hospitalized with underlying medical conditions at the time of his death.
DOH said three deaths were reported Monday. A man in his 30s, a man in his 50s who was also was hospitalized with underlying medical conditions and a woman in her 60s.
More:DOH: Eddy County records 152 COVID-19 deaths
According to DOH, 161 people died from COVID-19 in Eddy County since the first deaths were reported in March 2020.
Total number of tests in Eddy County rose to 98,588 as of Monday afternoon with 9,106 total cases. The number of recovered persons stood at 7,200, per DOH data.
Seventeen COVID-19 patients were hospitalized in Eddy County as of Monday. Two were at Artesia General Hospital, according to the hospital’s website.

Five COVID-19 patients, one reported at Artesia General Hospital, were on ventilators in Eddy County as of Monday.
DOH said Eddy County lagged behind the rest of New Mexico in COVID-19 vaccinations.
As of Monday, DOH’s COVID-19 dashboard indicated 77 percent of New Mexicans received at least one dose of the vaccine and 68 percent received both vaccinations.
Fifty-four percent of Eddy County residents had received at least one dose of the vaccine while 45 percent had both vaccinations, per the DOH dashboard.
More:Eddy County COVID-19 vaccine tracker: 32% of people fully vaccinated
Eddy County completed 504 COVID-19 vaccinations as of late August, said Eddy County Emergency Manager Jennifer Armendariz.
“We are currently holding vaccination clinics at the Civic Center in Carlsbad on Mondays and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. We will continue working together with our local Department of Health and City of Carlsbad to offer these clinics as long as resources allow,” she wrote in the Eddy County newsletter.

Mike Smith can be reached at 575-628-5546 or by email at MSmith@currentargus.com or @ArgusMichae on Twitter.