In an open letter to the community earlier this week, Superintendent Gerry Washburn provided some disturbing numbers about the state of education due to the pandemic. According to Washburn, 48 percent of our high school students are failing at least one class. This academic setback is the case across the state, and across the nation.
In attempt to address this issue, state legislators added funding for districts who extend next year’s school year. The school district can leave next year’s calendar alone (and lose about $1.7 million), add ten days to the calendar (and add about $2.25 million) or add 25 days to next year, which would add about $11.4 million.
While it is certainly true that adding funding, or additional school days, doesn’t resolve the academic setback by itself, legislators believe we have to do something to make up for the academic setback. There are also issues of student socialization and teacher well being to consider. It would certainly be challenging to find a way to use extra days added in 2022 to make up for lost learning in 2020.

There aren’t any easy answers here, but the school district is planning to make a recommendation to the board on May 18. If you have any questions or thoughts about this topic, please contact Superintendent Washburn at
We had a great visit from Sarah Jones from the Carlsbad Public Library earlier this week. The library has finished its first Storywalk along the Carlsbad beach. Check it out all along the river. The library has also started a book club at Milton’s Brewing. The first meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. May 19.
The library is also looking into something called “makerspace”- which would be devoting a part of the library to serve as a workshop with 3-D printers, sewing machines and other instruments for creative projects. You can take a survey about this idea here
The Carlsbad Museum & Art Center has recently completed a major renovation and has a major new collection on display called “Icons and Symbols of the Borderland.” Finally, the Riverwalk Recreation Center has an ice cream social planned from 3-5 pm. on May 5. We love having all of our services back open.
Thanks again to the members of Carlsbad’s City Council, who have consistently done an outstanding job representing their constituents. You don’t have many communities where every single elected official is as consistently as hard working and dedicated as they are in Carlsbad. Our Councilors are: Ward 1 – Eddie Rodriguez, Lisa Anaya Flores, Ward 2 – JJ Chavez and Leo Estrada, Ward 3 – Jason Shirley and Judith Waters and Ward 4 – Wes Carter and Mark Walterscheid. All 8 of our councilors are very responsive to their constituents.
In basketball, Carlsbad beat Hobbs, 49-47, in a thrilling boys’ varsity game Friday night. Congratulations to Coach Zumbrun and the entire team. The Cavegirl basketball game in Hobbs was cancelled due to a positive COVID-19 test, according to media reports. We’ll keep you updated on how the playoff selection process goes.
Sincerely, Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway