New Mexico State Police issued 225 traffic tickets in Eddy, Lea and Chaves counties Labor Day weekend during the Combined Accident Reduction Effort (C.A.R.E.) operation.
Officer Ray Wilson, New Mexico State Police spokesperson, said officers across New Mexico participated in C.A.R.E.
“The goal of the traffic initiative is to increase motorist safety and reduce the number of crashes through a strong law enforcement presence,” he said.
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Wilson said increased traffic across New Mexico prompted increased State Police presence along New Mexico roadways during Labor Day weekend Sept. 4 through Sept. 6.
Southeast New Mexico officers reported one traffic crash during Labor Day weekend, Wilson said.
Officers wrote five seatbelt citations and cited 28 tractor-trailer violators and conducted 34 semitrailer inspections, according to Wilson.

No traffic deaths were reported in Eddy, Chaves or Lea counties.
In New Mexico, officers issued over 1,700 traffic citations, read a New Mexico State Police news release.
Officers wrote 45 tickets for lack of seat belt use across the State.
Fifteen drunk drivers were arrested across New Mexico during the C.A.R.E. operation and 35 crashes were investigated along one traffic death, read the release.
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New Mexico State Police’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Bureau issued 75 tickets to semitrailer drivers and conducted over 260 tractor-trailer inspections, the release indicated.
Artesia Police Cmdr. Lindell Smith said police did not conduct similar operations like State Police during Labor Day weekend.
“We do take paying attention to traffic issues seriously though,” he said.
“We appreciate those who make conscious decisions and ask those that might be on the fence about DWI saying that they can make it home or they are ok to drive to be cognizant of the other motorists on the road,” Smith said.
City of Carlsbad Assistant Police Chief Jamie Balencia said no special traffic enforcements were conducted in the City of Carlsbad Labor Day weekend.
He said officers conducted routine patrols during the three-day weekend.
Comments sought from the Eddy County Sheriff’s Office regarding Labor Day weekend operations were not returned by press time.
Wilson said another C.A.R.E. operation was scheduled for Thanksgiving Day Nov. 25.
“The safety of motorists is a top priority of the New Mexico State Police and officers will continue holiday travel operations throughout the year. We encourage the public to drive safely and obey all laws while traveling the motorways of New Mexico,” he said.
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Mike Smith can be reached at 575-628-5546 or by email at or @ArgusMichae on Twitter.