ENCINITAS, CA – You still have time to cast your ballot by mail order at Encinitas.
According to the San Diego Voter Register Office, more than 1.9 million ballots were sent in San Diego County for the June 7 primary.
To vote by mail, voters must mark the ballot, put the ballot in the official return envelope, seal the envelope, and sign and date it. Ballot papers must be submitted by postmark on Tuesday or before election day.
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Ballots can be mailed to the U.S. Postal Service or to the recipient. You can also cast your ballot at one of the 132 official ballot locations in the county.
These are the locations for voting in Encinitas:
Find out what’s happening in Encinitaswith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Voters can also choose to vote in person. All 218 polling station locations will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on election day. Any voter who is in line at 8 pm at the polling station or polling station. they will be able to vote, the Electoral Registry said.